Back from the National Wedding Show - Aut/2023


Bossa Nova at the National Wedding Show - Aut/2023

My goodness, it was a great experience. We met so many lovely people, from Organising team to traders and the fantastic Brides, Grooms and their family and friends. 

As a small business it is a huge commitment to attend such events but oh might it was worth every single penny spent. 

Not perhaps as yet in terms of short term return on investment but certainly as an exercise of marketing for future sales.

What we have learnt, then?

- don't underestimate how long it takes to build your stand. If doing balloons again I will definitively get a better air pump. 

- stock taken, perhaps I could have been a bit less optimistic with sales on the day.

- marketing material, that one was an underestimated mistake. Running out of leaflets wasn't the plan I can assure you.

- Customer giveaway. Great for increasing social media followers but next time I need to get my QR code working, sorry if you tried and it didn't work. We got there in the end.

- Congratulations to all three winners of this year National Wedding Show Competition, once again. Your chocolates are on their way.

- Many people asked if we were giving samples. Sorry if that is what you were expecting, but we just didn't have the budget to give chocolates away. May be next time, fingers crossed.

- Wedding to be couples attending the event in their vast majority plan to get married in the Spring - Summer/2025. That is when we will be able to say truly whether the return on investment has paid off but even if we have to write-off some of the investment the marketing exposure has been achieved.

- Would we do it again? Yes!!! We have learn a lot with this experience and we will sure be building up on that for our next show. Bring on the BBC Good Food Winter Show.

Thank you for supporting our business and for visiting us at the National Wedding Show.

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